Our communication technology has allowed us to communicate within seconds. I have really appreciated email for communicating with my sons on missions. My first son, Ryne, was in Mongolia truly in the middle of nowhere, but was able, when there was electricity, to email me weekly. Zak is now in Netherlands, which is a hub of technology, but we are able to communicate within seconds.
The power of this technology was really evident on Monday after President Hinckley died. My students showed up in church clothes. I asked if there had been a Morningside, but they said they dressed up in honor of the Prophet. They had gotten text messages inviting them to do so. I was really touched that they would wear uncomfortable clothing in his honor (although that was how I dressed every school day of my young life). Later on the news it was reported that students from Idaho to Arizona had dressed up for Hinckley! The word had really spread! I wondered who had started this chain text message. I found out on Sunday with my Sunday school class that several people must have had the same idea. One of my students, independently, thought of it and started his own chain. Several students got many differently worded messages.
How I could use this idea in class --
This is just a high-tech version of the telephone game. It could be interesting to start a message in class and see how long it takes to get back to us. What ways could this technology be put to good use? What ways could it be a real problem? These would be thought-provoking questions and ones they probably haven't thought of yet.
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