Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Making of a Super Bowl Commercial

Context --
While I was looking for ads for my students to analyze, I came across the Making of FedEx Pigeon Super Bowl Ad. It was fascinating for me to get behind the scenes and see part of what goes into making a short commercial. I have been behind the scenes several times since I have been in a couple of commercials, was an extra in a film, and duh! my daughter worked on Paramount Studio for two TV shows.
Here is the commercial:

How I would use it in class --
I used it because I wanted the students to see behind the scenes. One of the PR people mentioned that they had seen several "boards" before they chose this one. My students will be making storyboards when they do production. They also showed how they did some of the special effects. It was really interesting. And when I can find the link to the show, I will publish it here.

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