Friday, March 28, 2008

It's Only 7:35 in the Morning!

In a discussion with another English teacher today about teaching students critical theory (which he does with juniors) he mentioned that he wanted to show them a familiar film and assign groups "lenses" to view the film through. I suggested that he use a music video. At this point he got very excited and told me about this cool short Spanish video called 7:35 in the Morning. It won an Academy Award for short film. It is compelling!

How I could use it in class
Using short films is really important in teaching, as we have seen this semester. I guess it's like analyzing a short story -- you get the technique taught in a few minutes. This film lends itself top many teaching moments. It could be used in the following ways: practicing analyzing cinematic elements, teaching po-mo, teaching feminist theory, in a unit on love, looking at the "poetry" of the lyrics (or maybe not) or just plain literary analysis. I like that it is in Spanish since I have so many students that speak it and that I teach foreign literature to sophomores. I would probably give them the lyrics ahead of time so that could be familiar with them so they could concentrate on the actions.

So see for yourself and post your comments and suggestions on how this could be used in a high school classroom.

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