I was in the English workroom waiting for some printing and started rummaging through a teacher's old stuff just laying ab out in there. I came across this very large book (like a coffee table book) and title interested me. The book is images and text from one day, July 11, 1997, from 100 photographers from around the world. Their task was to celebrate Intel's 30th birthday by taking photos of how the world has changed since the invention of microchip. There are some amazing pictures here! I will post the pics that go with the text tomorrow when I get to school where my cord to download onto my camera is.
This image shows a family in China eating dinner. The caption reveals that the family has no bathroom or cooking facilities , but they have a PC, cell phone, pager, TV, and VCR. Interesting set of priorities!
This photo shows a Zulu women placing her finger on a sensor. This is the South African way to pay pensioners their monthly allotment without fraud by using fingerprints. The caption points out that similar systems in the US have been met with skepticism. Fingerprints in the US are for capturing criminals.
How I could use this in class
I could have a media day. Each student would use a digital camera for one day and capture as many interesting uses of media which would then become a photo essay. We could publish the most interesting ones on our class website.
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